We are using Teamsnap as our registration and team management platform for the 2025 season. If you have an existing Teamsnap account, you can login with that to streamline your registration process. To start your registration(s) please click the green button below.
Registration for the Spring 2025 Season
The total registration cost for all levels of play is broken down as follows:
- A $205 registration fee to North Reading Youth Lacrosse
- A $45 membership fee to Mass Youth Lacrosse
- **A $40 late fee** (for those registering after our general registration period)
All fees are to be paid by credit or debit card at the checkout process.
Please note, registration is by your player’s grade in Spring 2025. We will have teams at the following grade levels:
- Boys Grades 1&2
- Boys Grades 3&4
- Boys Grades 5&6
- Boys Grades 7&8
- Girls Grades 1&2
- Girls Grades 3&4
- Girls Grades 5&6
- Girls Grades 7&8
Learn to Play Lacrosse
North Reading Youth Lacrosse is excited to partner with Scoops Lacrosse to offer a Learn to Play program. The Scoops program will be open to Pre-K and Kindergarten (3-6 yrs) boys and girls and run for 6 weeks. Dates to be announced soon. Players will be required to bring their own stick. Registration for the program will be directly with Scoops Lacrosse.
- Number of classes: 6
- Dates: 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8 & 6/15 (subject to change)
- Time: 9am (subject to change)
- Location: North Reading High School – Multi-Purpose Field
- Price: $125 (includes T shirt)
- Ages: Pre-K and Kindergarten (3-7 yrs)
- Also accepting 1st graders who are new to lacrosse
Having trouble with registration? Please email us at if you have any questions or need assitance. We look forward to having you as a part of the North Reading Lacrosse family.